ADOBE CREATORS IN THE CREATOR ECONOMY DETAILED FINDINGS HOWEVER, TO BECOMING AN INFLUENCER TAKES POSTING FREQUENCY DEDICATION AND TIME. TIME Monthly or less 32% 11% At least weekly 68% 89% DEDICATION 21% Daily 41% YEARS OF CONTENT EXPERIENCE Under 2 years 3+ Years Creator 52% 48% TIME SPENT PER WEEK ON Influencers, on average, CONTENT DEVELOPMENT work an additional 6 hours per week compared to Influencer 42% 58%* general creators. They also 9 hrs/week post more frequently and CREATOR have more creative skills. *Indicates significant difference between groups at the 95% confidence level AVERAGE NUMBER OF CREATIVE ACTIVITIES 15 hrs/week 2.8 4.0 INFLUENCER CREATOR INFLUENCER S17: Through which, if any, of the following activities have you personally created products, works, materials, etc., in the past 12 months? S23: How often, if ever, do you create and post original social media content (e.g., videos, photos, animations, GIFs, memes, commentary on specific topics, etc.)? Q4: How long have you been posting creative or original social media content online? Q6: Approximately how many hours a week do you spend developing the creative or original social media content you share online? 28 Base: Creators (n=4,535), Influencers (n=657)

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